Ibu to be

Assalamualaikum & Happy Monday.

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT untuk segala-galanya samada pahit atau manis.

Hikmah ada disebalik semua yang berlaku, isn't it?

Ibu-to-be, yes I am. Dan Ayah-to-be untuk si dia.


Dalam minggu ini, genaplah si baby 20 minggu. Alhamdulillah once again.

No words can tell. Semoga semuanya baik-baik saja dan berada dalam keadaaan yang selamat dan sejahtera.

Sebagai seorang bakal ibu, haruslah rasa bahagia dan gumbira.

Baby, be good to us. May Allah bless you and protect you from any harm till you're born and come to us safely.

We'll be right here waiting.

Either is a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter for us. We want both. Hehe. InsyaAllah.

Keep healthy baby. Ibu and ayah loves you.

p/s : pic credit to google.



If you're hurt or betrayed

Assalamualaikum & Have a nice day!

Its been a while.

Salam Maal Hijrah 1435H.

Semoga semuanya baik-baik saja dan terus menerus menghadapi apapun yang bakal terjadi pada masa hadapan. Alhamdulillah for everything.

Forget our painful past but learned from it.

Forgive the people who have wronged us.

Its never been easy, but this is another chance to start anew.

InsyaAllah, Allah always knows everything.

Sharing this beautiful reminder from beautiful people.

If you're HURT by people, who share the same blood as you,
remember Yusuf (alaihis-salaam), who was betrayed by his own brothers.

If you find your PARENTS opposing you,
remember Ibrahim (alaihis-salaam), whose father led him to the fire.

If you're STUCK with a problem where there's no way out,
remember Yunus (alaihis-salaam) stuck in the belly of a whale.

If you're ill & your body cries with PAIN,
remember Ayoob (alaihis-salaam) who was more ill than you.

If someone SLANDERS you,
remember Ai'sha (radhi allahu anha) who was slandered throughout the city.

If you're LONELY,
recall Aadam (alaihis-salaam) who was created alone.

If you CAN'T SEE any LOGIC around you,
think of Nuh (alaihis-salaam) who built an ark without questioning.

If you are MOCKED by your own relatives;
think of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

take a lesson of patience & perseverance from them!
